Four modern nightstand designs sit on a CNC machine showcasing the work of Modern Ethic

Welcome! I’m a modern furniture builder in Portland, Oregon. I celebrate plywood and Scandinavian style in all the work that I do. I put special emphasis in using eco-friendly materials, finishes and packaging. I build every piece myself in my home studio.

Isaac Hurst portrait in his shop

I’m currently focusing on building my modern nightstand collection. I offer a few pieces with a few door styles and leg lengths. I design everything in CAD and precisely cut it all on my CNC machine. I then build and finish everything by hand. I only list fully built pieces so I can ship quickly when I receive your order. Thanks for considering my work.



Get to know who’s building your furniture. This is short format version of a film put together by my friend Keith of Hyperion Creation. This was filmed coincidently on the weekend before I finally took this business full time. You’ll see my old shop which was a bit tighter than the commercial space I’m in now. I show parts of my chair build process and walk around the house and property. Currently I’m the sole builder and I do every part of the process myself. I’m proud of the pieces that I make and I hope you enjoy the film. If you’d like to watch the long version you can find it on my about page here.