Winter Update

Lots happened since my last post. 

I moved into the new shop space and didn't take too long to get up and running again.  We had some wild weather up here with lots of flooding.  Driving in to get to the shop the road had 6" of water standing that I had to drive slowly through.  When I arrived at the shop the floor had about an inch of water covering it.  I lease my space so I called management and they had people out to help with squeegees and shop vacs and fans.  It was a mess.  Luckily I had everything up on blocks so nothing was damaged, but it added a lot of moisture to the air and slowed my time in the shop considerably.  

A little later just recently in January I started to really feel the effects of working in a shop without heat.   It was 9 degrees outside and the shop space had a certain mass that was slowly falling in temp.  After a few days it was 20 degrees inside.  I was wearing a flannel, a coat, and a sweatshirt on top.  I was concerned that my CNC wouldn't work properly, if the lubrication wouldn't be sufficient or something, but everything kept going and so did I.  I bought a large 220v space heater that I left running all the time.  It brought the temp up to 40 and finally 50.  I consider that good enough.  Even now I use it occasionally, but I'm aware that the cost of running it is about $7 per day.    I know that's not a lot cost, but every expense matters to me. 

And now, first week of Feb?  Well I'm building furniture from sales from this website only, no etsy sales at the moment.  I'm trying to allocate some time to build the cabinetry for my remodel project on my own home.  Scandi baltic birch kitchen and cabinetry type work is an area I'd like to go into as well so this first kitchen will be my prototype.  There's a lot of 3D modeling that's required in order to get to the shop stage so I'm still in laptop land for a while.   I'll post pictures when I have something done. 

That's it for now.  


Moving to Portland, OR


New Shop Space!